Thursday 1 December 2005

Religious Icons and Text....Editors; Some People Get Really Attached to Their Tools

For several years now, when I'm editing text files (program source code, documentation, blog entries, whatever) under Microsoft Windows, I've used the free Crimson Editor. At Version 3.70 (which can be downloaded here) since 22 September 2004, it is a perfectly reasonable general-purpose text/source code editor. It does the basic things most people expect: syntax highlighting for different languages, macro recording and editing, support for calling external tools and integrating their output into the file being edited, and so on. But I have gradually become less than thrilled with it for a few (possibly quirky) reasons:

  • While available without charge (economically free), the source code is not available (freedom of action is restricted). Not being an open source product, it is not open to real customisation beyond simple keystroke macros and language syntax definitions.
  • Most of my Web development for the last few years has revolved around the PHP scripting language. More recently, this has been supplemented by Python. Crimson lacks any of the features that other, more specific editors like NuSphere PhpED or ActiveState Komodo offer (although, granted, at a price).
  • What I have been doing even more of lately, however, has been document creation and editing using Docbook XML, from which I can create HTML, PDF, text and RTF word-processing files from a single set of sources. Very cool stuff. Until I get into Crimson and start pounding the keyboard — in frustration; the editor recognises that it's dealing with an XML file and can colour-code tags, but there isn't a whole lot else it knows about. I eventually got tired of doing basic scut-work and memory exercises over and over again, and went looking for something else. (At least a lighter hammer to hit myself in the head with).

As always, my first two stops were SourceForge and Google. You know Google. You may not know SourceForge, but you should. If you're looking for software — to do anything, on anything, in anything — this is the place to look first. A clearinghouse of open source projects, as I write these words their website reports 106,861 registered projects and 1,186,755 registered users. Those range from small scratch-an-itch projects on up to very complex, very complete line-of-business systems like ERP and CRM. They currently have 2,274 projects listed in the Text Editors category. Obviously, I'm not going to look at all of these, but there are nice ways to whittle down the list.

I had defined for myself a half-dozen usage modes that I was going to use to evaluate each editor and compare it against Crimson Editor. Now, to a programmer, or a writer, editors are like the old advertising line for a brand of potato crisps, "bet you can't have just one". I now have, temporarily, mind you, eight different editors on my Windows Start menu, with another 3 or 4 whose installation procedure was so basic that it didn't even install any menu items.

These basically fell into three groups. First are the demo or 'lite' versions of commercial products, which invariably annoyed me with the artificial limitations intended to induce you to ante up for the 'real' paid-for version. These were quickly discarded. Second were the well-meaning but immature/incomplete 'freeware' packages (such as, to some degree, Crimson). These invited a certain amount of experimentation with their source code to tweak things up a bit before being abandoned. While some of these (such as Programmers Notepad) are clearly on the right track, they just didn't "feel" right — and we are talking about the most subjective of tools. Just as a carpenter may have a favourite hammer, or an electrician a meter that works just the way he likes it, a writer has to feel "comfortable" with the editor and other tools he uses. (Also seen were several packages so lacking in completeness and/or competence that it is fervently hoped that they were pure larks; exploratory projects to teach their writers something. Humility should come along for the ride; several comments on support forums were, quite deservedly, scathing.)

Now I am in the midst of conversion from Crimson Editor to JEdit. While it has a few quirks and oddities, likely due both to the fact that I am using a beta (prerelease) version and to the peculiarities of Java on Microsoft Windows, it does most of the mundane things quite well and some greatly appreciated extra features uniquely well.

  • As a Java program, it runs not only on Windows but on Linux, the Apple Macintosh, BSD Unix, your pocket supercomputer, whatever.
  • Being an open source project, you have total control. Think some features are just bloated junk and want to get rid of them? Go right ahead. Thought of a cool new feature that would fit right in with what's already there? Fire up your inner coder and go write it. Think something's pretty cool, but think you can make it faster/better? No problem — and when you're done, you can contribute the changes back to the original project, start distributing your modified version on your own, or just hold onto the goodies for yourself. That's the freedom (of action) that open source gives you.
  • Since it's hosted on SourceForge, you don't need to worry about the original team getting bored and walking away, leaving the code on a site that eventually goes dark. Even if JEdit does go dormant for a time (a highly unlikely scenario, apparently), SourceForge makes it easy for some fresh talent to pick things up and carry forward at a later time.
  • If you're working in Docbook XML, it has some really nice features: not only does it support autocomplete for tags like <section></section>, it also autocompletes entities like &eacute; for é. Better still, for any entity that you define — any entity which would be known to a parser reading your document — autocompletion is supported. To show a specific example, my standard "data dictionary" entities file (what I use to reuse standard phrases and URLs in all my work), I can type &ap and the list of candidates has apache-httpd as the third item in a dropdown list. Two taps on the down-arrow key and I've saved eight keystrokes. If you're authoring in Docbook XML, you should be making pervasive use of entities to aid in consistency and reuse. This makes it lots easier.

I'll likely come back and update this blog entry as I gain more experience with JEdit, and as it matures into an "official" release of Version 4.3. If anybody with writing or coding experience really is reading this, I'd appreciate it if you'd leave comments describing your experiences. Thanks.

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