Thursday 6 August 2009

Smokin' Linux? Roll Your Own!

As people who've encountered the "business end" of Linux have known for some time, the system (in whichever distribution you prefer, greatly rewards (some would say 'requires') tinkering and customisation. This can be done with any Linux system, really; some distros, like LinuxFromScratch and, to a lesser degree, Gentoo and its derivatives, explicitly assume that you will be customizing their base system according to your specific needs.

Now the major distros are getting into it. There have been various Ubuntu and Fedora customisation kits on the Net, but none as far as I can tell that are as directly supported (or easy to use) as from OpenSUSE, the "community-supported" offering from Novell (who also offer SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop and Server.

Visit the OpenSUSE site, and prominently visible is a link to the OpenSUSE Build Service, which "allows developers to package software for all major Linux distributions", or at least those that use rpm packaging, the packaging system used by Red Hat, Mandriva, CentOS, and other similar systems. But that's not all...

SUSE now have a new service, SUSE Studio, which allows users to create highly customized systems based on either the community (OpenSUSE) or enterprise versions of SUSE Linux. These "appliances" can be put together on the basis of "patterns", such as lamp_server (LAMP, or Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP Web server) or technical_writing (which includes numerous tools like Docbook). You can even supply your own (either self-built or acquired elsewhere) RPM packages to include in the appliance you're building, and SUSE Studio will deal with the dependency matching (warning you if packages are required that aren't either among its standard set or uploaded by you).

Startup scripts, networking, basically anything that is usually handled through the basic installation or post-installation configuration - all can be configured within the SUSE Studio Web interface.

And then, when you've got your system just the way you want it, you can build it as either an ISO (CD/DVD) image to be downloaded and burned onto disc, or as a VM image for two of the most popular VM systems (VMWare and Xen).

But wait, there's more...

Using a Flash-enabled browser, you can even "test drive" your appliance, testing it while running (transparently) in an appropriate VM hosted within the SUSE Studio infrastructure. Especially if you have a relatively slow connection, this will let you do preliminary "smoke testing" without having to download the actual image to your local system. Once you're ready to do so, of course, downloading is very nearly a single-click affair. Oh, and you're given (presently) 15 GB of storage for your various builds - so you can easily do comparative testing.

What don't I like about it? In the couple of hours I've been messing around with it today, there's really only one nagging quibble: When you do the "test drive" of your new creation, the page you're running it in is a standard, non-secure http Web page. The page warns you that any data and keystrokes sent will not be encrypted, and recommends the use of ssh if that is a concern (by which most people will think https). But there's no obvious way to switch, and shutting down the running appliance (which starts by the time you read the warning) involves keystrokes and so on...

In fairness, this is still very clearly a by-invitation beta offering (but you can ask for an invite), and some rough edges are to be expected. I'm sure I'll run into another one or two as things go on. I'm equally certain that all the major problems will be smoothed out before SUSE Studio goes into general public availability.

So, besides the obvious compulsive hackers and the people building single-purpose appliance-type systems, who would really make use of this?

One obvious use case, which the SUSE Studio site describes, is as a canned demo of a software system. If you're an ISV, you can add your software or Web app to a SUSE Studio appliance, lock down the OS image to suit (encrypting file systems and so on), and hand out your discs at your next trade show (or have them downloadable from your Website). No worries about installing or uninstalling from prospective customers' systems; boot from the CD (or load it into a VM) and they're good to go.

Another thought that hit me this morning was for use as an interview filter. This can be in either of two distinct modes. First, you might be looking for people who are really familiar with how Linux works. Write up the specs of a SUSE Studio appliance (obviously more demanding than just the click-and-drool interface) and use an app of your own devising to validate the submitted entries. This validation could be automated in any of several ways.

The second possible interview filter would be as a programming/Web dev system. As a variation on the "ISV" example above, you load up an appliance with a set of tools and/or source files, ready to be completed and/or fixed by your candidates. They start up the appliance (either a live CD or VM), go through your instructions for the test, and then submit results (probably an encrypted [for authentication] archive of all the files they've touched, as determined by the base system tools) via email or FTP. On your end, you have a script that unpacks the submission into a VM and uses the appropriate automated testing tools to validate it. I can even see this as a business model for someone who offers this capability as a service to companies wishing to have a better filter for prospective candidates than resume-keyword matching - which as we all know is practically useless due to the high number of both false negatives and false positives.

What do you all think?

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