Wednesday, 18 April 2012

It's Not Amtrak: Enjoy Riding the Rails

Historical note: Most of this post was written in the first week of October, 2011.

I've spent much of the last three weeks wrapping my head around Rails and Ruby after several years of mostly PHP with a couple of Groovy/Java side trips. It's been interesting, and a lot of fun so far.

I'm new to Ruby on Rails, but not to Ruby itself — though I took a long breather when Rails first became trendy. It was not at all clear to me at the time whether the (then-)popular trend among both the media and technology-involved people who Should Know Better to treat Ruby as essentially a synonym for "Ruby on Rails" was going to kill the language for other uses. It was quite clear to me that a huge chunk of early Rails culture was built around a cult-of-personality dedicated to Rails' primary creator, David Heinemeier Hansson. I try very hard to avoid cults; they almost invariably either spectacularly self-destruct (see Jonestown, Guyana) or get co-opted to serve unrelated or even opposing purposes (see State religions).

In about the last year or two, Rails has visibly grown up, both in capability and in outlook. There are other people who've stepped up and delivered great, widely-used code (does anybody know what happened to _why?), and Rails is now used in lots of systems both interesting and serious. I'd been thinking that maybe I ought to start getting myself up to scratch, particularly as I've been increasingly disenchanted with both the technical and sociopolitical aspects of PHP. The feelings of excitement, progress and everybody-pitch-in community that sustained PHP through its phenomenal growth in the last decade are, at best, flickering.

The final kick in the shorts was an interview cycle for new work with a great group that does, among other things, quite a bit of Rails work. Thus motivated, I grabbed copies of Agile Web Development with Rails, Fourth Edition and The RSpec Book and started going through them.

And promptly went out in search of better books. As of April, 2012, the ones I refer to most often are:

  • Russ Olsen, Eloquent Ruby. Addison-Wesley Professional, 2011. Nearly 400 excellent pages that will help your Ruby code be more effective, expressive, pleasant to work with and easier to maintain; pick any five.
  • Obie Fernandez, The Rails 3 Way; 2nd Edition. Addison-Wesley Professional, 2011. An encyclopedic yet guided introduction and continually-usable reference to Rails 3. Does not cover everything in 3.1/3.2, but will leave you comfortably able to adapt to the new changes.

One of the things I appreciate about Rails is the size and openness of the communities that have grown up around it. Everywhere I look, I find new code and tools to do useful things. I'm still on the upward slope of the "each Neat New Thing points to n other Neat New Things which point to…" curve, and I expect to be for quite some time. There are useful, useable if not always perfectly ideal tools to do things, and those tend to get adopted by (large chunks of) the community as de facto working standards. The whole "gem" ecosystem is chalk-and-Friday different (and dramatically better) than its PHP analogue; it's almost as though the "gems" folks looked at nearly everything PEAR gets wrong and made the conscious, deliberate decision to do the opposite. From the perspective of a newbie who's had painful experience with other systems, it Just (Seems Like It) Works.

Now, I'm sure that the rose-coloured spectacles will eventually pop out of their frames and get ground into dust. I'll find things I'm doing or using that just seem so bone-headed that I'll think, "I'm obviously well outside the ideal target audience for this". I seriously doubt that I'd think "This part of the system is so badly broken that it can't possibly be fixed"; again, this is a relatively new stack of tools with large, creative communities built around them. There will be alternatives to the particular whatever-it-is that's causing me pain, and there is a virtual certainty that I will be able to pull the offending piece out of my stack, put the new thing in, and continue working forward more effectively. I'm also convinced that, in the unlikely event that I'm such a black-swan corner case that I get motivated to write my own replacement, that it'll get visibility and feedback from others (if only to say "Hey, you just duplicated quteobscurename; go have a look at — but hey, nicely done"). That would be more useful — and far more encouraging — than the usual PEAR mishmash of components that don't even all really work with the current language, written by people who believe that terse, sloppy, untested code is self-documenting.

Addition: April, 2012

And so it has come to pass; over the course of developing what will very soon be a commercial Web-based service, at least three initially-chosen components have been replaced by other, better and/or more suitable components. In all cases, the time involved in flailing around and deciding "this really has to go now" was several times greater than the hour or two it took to actually replace the old code with the new. That's been one of the big wins promised by object-oriented software development for roughly half a century. (Depending on who you ask, the first object-oriented language was either ALGOL X, in 1965, or Simula 67, in 1967. C++? Well over a decade later, and that's still older than most of its coders today.)

'Least Knowledge' May Be More than You Think

I was chatting on IRC the other day and got into a discussion that stuck in the back of my mind until now. This guy was a fresh convert to the ideas of SOLID and to the Law of Demeter (or Principle of Least Knowledge). Now, these are principles I hold at least as strongly as the average experienced developer, and we eventually agreed to disagree over the propriety of code such as a line I just wrote (which in fact prompted this post).

Consider the Ruby code:

    data[:original_content] = article.content.lines.first.rstrip

This says:

  1. "take whatever your article is;
  2. get whatever its content attribute is or method returns;
  3. (assuming that is a String or something that can be treated as one,) get its lines enumeration;
  4. get the first entry in that enumeration;
  5. (again, assuming it's a String or workalike,) strip any trailing whitespace from that string; and
  6. stuff it into the collection data, indexed by the symbol :original_content."

It's not hard to argue that this is a bad code smell, being a long list of assumed return types and so on, except for one thing: in my view, the LoD does not cover sequencing a series of standard library calls.

Look at the code again. The bit that references my code is the fragment

  data[:original_content] = article.content

That fragment is clean; article is an object and content is an attribute of or method on that object. This code assumes that the value of article.content is a standard String. As a standard class, it's virtually guaranteed not to change in backwards-incompatible ways over the useful life of the code. What then? Standard library calls!

  1. String#lines returns a standard Enumerator instance;
  2. Enumerable#first (via the earlier Enumerator) returns a standard String instance again; and finally
  3. String#rstrip cleans off any trailing whitespace.

Nowhere are used any internal APIs that could change. Breaking that one line apart into 5 would produce repetitive, non-semantic, anti-Ruby-best-practices code of the style pandemic on large Java projects. We're in Ruby (and Rails) for a reason: part of that reason is that the language idioms encourage an almost literary expressiveness that makes more explicit the reality that a program is a conversation between the humans developing and maintaining it, that just happens to be executable by a computer. Literate, semantic programming is like behaviour-driven development; once you've wrapped your head around it and see how much better a programmer it makes you, you really don't want to go back to BDUF jousting in Java or PHP.

On further review...

Now, if you argue that the LoD is an aid in reducing coupling between classes, which reduces per-statement complexity, I can see that. But, in the example above, we're back to the fact that there is only one dot before you start jamming together standard library calls. Had I instead written:

content = article.content lines = content.lines first_line = lines.first data[:original_content] = first_line.rstrip

then I'd argue that I've introduced three unnecessary local variables when only one (the second) could foreseeably change. If I later modified the return value from article.content to something other than a Stringlike object, then probably the assignment to lines would have to change. But only that one line — the same level of change that would be required in my current code.
